Defining the position

To establish a general and academic staffing need, and before proceeding to recruitment action, the recruiter might wish to review the position and/or assess current and future funding.

Review the position

Reviewing the position to make sure it meets current and future staffing requirements involves identifying:

  • the long-term staffing needs of the area
  • the implications of not filling the job (either immediately or in the longer term)
  • whether responsibilities in the work area be reorganised to cover needs, and in particular, if someone else in the work area could develop skills by taking on new functions
  • whether the current classification of the position appropriate

Assess current & future funding

As part of the process of considering filling the vacancy, the following budget related issues would also need to be addressed:

  • identify budget cover for the salary costs. There will need to be available budget to cover the salary plus on-costs and overheads for the position
  • provide funds to pay for recruitment and advertising. This might include advertising, travel for Selection Committee members and candidates for interview; and possibly the services of a recruitment agency.

If the need is clear, investigation shows the best option available is to fill a vacant position, and funding exists to address all costs associated with the engagement of a new staff member, then recruitment action should commence.

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