Scheduling the interview

Prior to the interviews taking place, members of the selection committee should meet to discuss the time, date and location for the interviews.

In determining the interview schedule, selection committee members should consider the following key points:

  • the length of the interviews will vary depending on the level of the position but should be the same for each applicant
  • sufficient time should be allocated to enable applicants to ask questions, to provide additional information, or to clarify any matters relating to the position that may not have been covered in the interview
  • ideally,all interviews should be held on the same day. If this is not possible, then the interviews should be held over as short a period of days as possible
  • applicants should be given sufficient notice to attend the interview (ideally one week)
  • the location for the interview, a private office or room, should be accessible and be chosen to ensure privacy
  • a suitable separate waiting area for applicants should be provided
  • in the interview room, chairs and tables should be arranged to make the committee members and applicant feel comfortable
  • avoid seating applicants where they can be distracted eg by the glare from windows
  • if additional forms of assessment are to be used (eg tests, seminars or presentations), the appropriate arrangements should be made such as venue and equipment bookings.

Familiarisation programs for interviewees

For senior level positions, there may be occasions when, as part of the interview process, a familiarisation program of the University, or the work area, is organised for the benefit of interviewees. The program may include a tour of the campus and its facilities and formal/informal meetings with key university staff members.

It is important to note that:

  • all interviewees (both internal and external) should be given the opportunity to participate in such a program
  • members of the Selection Committee should not be directly involved in such a way that unfair advantage may be provided (or be seen to be provided) to individual applicants.

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