Safe storage principles

  • Store heavy and frequently used items in the ideal zone - between shoulder and mid thigh.
  • Store smaller, lightweight or infrequently used items in lower or higher areas.
  • Organise cupboards and storage areas to lessen clutter and allow easy access to shelves. Plan for regular audits of storage areas. Assign responsibility within a work group for maintenance of storage areas.
  • Frequently handled items should be within easy access and reach.
  • A sturdy step or stepladder should be easily available to access items stored above shoulder height.
  • If a ladder is required an intermediate support point may be necessary to allow lifting and lowering of items safely in stages.
  • Keep a clear bench for delivery of goods to avoid lifting from ground level (if applicable).
  • Consider current and likely future storage needs in any workspace redesign or before new equipment is purchased.

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