Racism and discrimination response and support

This page contains information on how to disclose or report an incident of racism and/or discrimination and how to access the support available both at ANU and through community services. For information on prevention and education initiatives, please visit Respectful relationships - ANU. If at any point you need time-critical or emergency support, please call 000

If you have experienced racism or discrimination as an ANU staff member, you can now contact the Staff Respect Consultant. Our Staff Respect Consultant provides ANU staff members with a safe space to speak through your questions and concerns and can help provide connection, referrals and general guidance.

If you need assistance completing a disclosure or would like further information you can organise a confidential conversation by calling 02 6125 6763, emailing staffrespect@anu.edu.au or by booking an appointment. You can also choose to remain anonymous when you call extension 56763.

* Please note there are legal limits to confidentiality. This usually applies when there is an imminent risk to the safety of a staff member or student.

Please note: The University will use the definitions of consent, sexual harassment and sexual assault under the Policy: Sexual misconduct when managing formal reports.

The Australian National University is a proud signatory of the Australian Human Rights Commission Racism. It Stops With Me campaign.

Racism. It Stops With Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and take action to create change.

To learn more about the campaign, and to access further resources and information, please visit the Racism. It Stops With Me webpage.

What is discrimination?

Under anti-discrimination legislation, the University has an obligation to staff and students not to discriminate on the basis of one or more protected attributes: including sex; pregnancy; marital or relationship status; family responsibility; breastfeeding; race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or national identity; age; sexual orientation, gender identity, trans-sexuality or intersex status; disability; union affiliation, political conviction, religious belief or any other characteristic specified.

Discrimination can be direct and can occur by specific exclusion or adverse treatment based on a person’s personal characteristics. Discrimination can also be indirect, and can occur when a requirement or condition is imposed on everyone equally, but persons of a particular group would have difficulty complying with the requirement because of their personal characteristics.

What is racism?

According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, racial discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably, or not given the same opportunities, as others in a similar situation, because of their race, the country where they were born, their ethnic origin or their skin colour. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person because of his or her race, colour, descent, national origin or ethnic origin, or immigrant status. The RDA protects people from racial discrimination in many areas of public life, including employment, education, getting or using services, renting or buying a house or unit, and accessing public places. The RDA also makes racial hatred unlawful.

What is a disclosure of harmful behaviours and who can lodge one?

ANU puts the wellbeing and needs of the person who has been impacted by racism or discrimination, and as such, will act in line with their wishes.

We acknowledge that disclosing an incident of racism or discrimination can be a difficult decision, and that a person must feel safe and confident that any disclosure will be treated respectfully and appropriately.

Staff can make a disclosure of harmful behaviours, including acts of racism or discrimination, by using this form. The form allows staff and students to make an identified or de-identified (anonymous) disclosure. Alternatively, you can make a disclosure of harmful behaviours by emailing the Staff Respect Consultant on staffrespect@anu.edu.au or by calling extension 56763. You can choose to remain anonymous when calling the Staff Respect Consultant. If you would like to lodge a report, you can go directly to your local HR area.

 *Disclosures of harmful behaviours can be made either directly by a person who experienced or witnessed an incident of racism or discrimination or supported by another person. The disclosure can be about an incident involving staff and/or students at the ANU.

You are in control of how much information you provide in the disclosure regarding your experience.

Please visit Harmful behaviours disclosure for more information on:

  • the difference between a disclosure and a report,
  • why it is important to submit a disclosure,
  • how your information will be used, and,
  • what support is available if someone has made a disclosure to you.

How can the Staff Respect Consultant assist me?

The Staff Respect Consultant provides a single point of contact for ANU staff who have experienced sexual misconduct or for someone who is supporting a person who is not ready to lodge a disclosure or report to the ANU.

The Staff Respect Consultant prioritises the safety and wellbeing of the person who has been subjected to sexual harassment or sexual assault and can assist with a coordinated approach to:

  • Provide a safe space to speak through questions and concerns
  • Safety information and links to community services
  • Information and referrals to specialist support services at ANU and community services
  • Information on reporting processes within ANU and Police
  • Work alongside the staff member to identify access to areas of support.

What can I do if I have been accused of racist or discriminatory behaviour?

Being accused of perpetuating racist or discriminatory behaviour is a serious matter and can be a traumatic experience. ANU has a duty of care that applies to all parties named in a disclosure or report with the University. ANU is committed to following procedural fairness (also known as natural justice) in the interests of all parties.

If you have been accused of racist or discriminatory behaviour, you can discuss support options with the Staff Respect Consultant by emailing staffrespect@anu.edu.au, by calling 02 6125 6763 or through the booking link.

You also have access to the following services to support you during this time and provide you with information to assist with your decision making:

What support is available to me, regardless of if I decide to make a complaint?

The Staff Respect Consultant is available to connect with you. The Consultant works from person-centred and trauma-informed practice frameworks. This means that you will be treated with dignity and respect and will receive a transparent and confidential service that will empower you to make choices and connect with others. You can organise a confidential conversation by calling 02 6125 6763, emailing staffrespect@anu.edu.au or by booking an appointment. You can also choose to remain anonymous when you call extension 56763.

You can also connect with the ANU Employee Assistance Program:
You can choose from:

Assure – 1800 808 374
Multiple locations
Receive up to four (4) appointments per year. Delivery is flexible with appointments available in person, over the phone, or online through email or Skype.
Assure also provide a 24hr crisis hotline. 

Relationships Australia – 02 6122 7100
Location: Face to face delivery
Receive up to four (4) appointments per year. Appointments can be taken in person or over the phone.

ANU Adviser to Staff – The Adviser to Staff provides free, confidential and professional counselling and advice to staff on-campus in dealing with work-related or personal issues that may be affecting their work. On-campus appointments can be made during business hours. You can email staff.adviser@anu.edu.au.
ANU has three Advisers to Staff on campus:

  • Gail Frank - Ext 53616 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursday)
  • Amanda Morrison -Ext 56770 (Wednesday) 
  • Maaria Haque - Ext 58283 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

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