Travel Approval and E-Form

Travel approval applications for staff and students are to be made through the online Travel Approval e-form process.  

Travel approval process overview

  1. Consolidated forms, including; travel application, risk assessment, fieldwork, budget, insurance, delegation approval, reimbursement request, etc.
  2. Automatic authentication of the identity of the traveller applying for travel (via Uni ID and password)
  3. Built-in validation checks to ensure all required areas of the Travel Approval are complete
  4. Attachment of supporting documents
  5. Automatic check of the DFAT website for countries at risk
  6. Automatic updates of the University's HR and Finance enterprise systems with travel details

Steps in the travel approval process

Step 1: Preparation

Traveller gathers details relevant to the proposed travel. This should include the expected dates of travel, travel cost quotes or estimates and if possible the account to which the cost of travel will be attributed.

Step 2: Complete and submit the travel approval eForm

Traveller completes the Travel Approval eForms and submits. The Travel Approval can be saved and retrieved anytime during the process. If necessary the traveller can cancel the request once submitted.

Step 3: Supervisor and Delegate approval

The completed Travel Approval is sent to the relevant supervisor for approval. Further routes the travel approval to other University staff for special approvals for overseas travel, such as high risk travel. The supervisor or delegate can request information form the traveller prior to approval.

Step 4: Traveller notification

The system automatically advises the traveller of approval by email with an attached PDF Travel Approval Summary. The Travel Approval Summary is a consise record of the Travel Approval information

Step 5: Post travel diary

Once the traveller returns they are required to complete the post travel diary. If there is no private component only the travel schedule can be updated. If there is a private component a Post Travel FBT Calculation will need to be completed where the Travel Schedule and costs for FBT purposes can be updated.

Travel Approval forms at the state Post Travel will Auto Close after 21 days.

Travel Approval Reports

Travel Approval Reports increase the ability to manage Travel Approvals. A series of reports are available with information such as; date and country location of travellers, changes to DFAT risk rating of countries, summary of information provided in submitted Travel Approvals etc.

If you would like access these reports please send an email to