Bike share

The dockless bike share scheme was introduced to the ANU Acton campus, as a six-month trial  on 30 July 2018. To use and locate available bicycles, you will need to download the app and create your profile.

Bicycles can be used within the Acton campus, the Parliamentary Zone and the city centre. There are 200 bikes that will be distributed across the trial area. The bikes can be used for return or one-way trips without having to be returned to a docking station. Users are encouraged to leave the bikes in areas that do not cause a disturbance or inconvenience to public, with preference next to existing bicycle hoops. Airbike will monitor their fleet and take action if bikes are left in inappropriate or unsafe areas, and will move bikes back to a more appropriate location. 

For more information about the trial and guidelines for the dockless bike share, visit

To see how Airbike works, visit Airbike.

If you have any questions or need to report issues related to Airbike bike sharing:

Reference documents
