NECTAR - Network for Early Career Teachers, Academics and Researchers

NECTAR is the Network for Early Career Teachers, Academics and Researchers at ANU, an initiative led by and for early-career academics (ECAs).

The NECTAR team runs a broad program with three main themes:

  • Community – NECTAR provides a safe space for ECAs to share their experiences with others who can relate, and find support in navigating the challenges of academia.
  • Professional development – NECTAR delivers a professional development program helping ECAs develop skills needed to thrive in academia and beyond.
  • Advocacy – NECTAR facilitates a direct collegial discussion with the University Executive, enabling ECAs to make a difference to the ECA experience at ANU.

To find out more, visit


Our teams & contacts


NameContact details
 + 61 2 6125 7165


NameContact details
Sophie Baker 
NECTAR Coordinator
 + 61 2 6125 7165
Ashley Thomson 
NECTAR Administrator
 +61 2 6125 7957

Information for staff

Our content can be found on these webpages.


Page Owner: Wellbeing