Office of Business Engagement & Commercialisation

The Office of Business Engagement & Commercialisation (BEC) provides experienced development support and advice on commercialisation and intellectual property, patent management, new ventures and entrepreneurship, major commercial research partnerships, and new research business opportunities.

We partner with researchers, allied parts of the university and external entities to help create impact through commercial engagement. 

BEC's four key activities:

·       Business Opportunity Development:

o   Industry, government and community engagement

o   Research project and partnership scoping 

o   Strategic support for proposal development

·       Partnerships:

o   Large-scale partnership development and commercial management

o   Industry collaboration for major research bids, e.g. CRC, ITRP, CRC-P

·       Commercialisation & IP:

o   Invention disclosures

o   Patent filing and management

o   IP marketing and licensing

·       New Ventures & Entrepreneurship:

o   New start-up assessment

o   New start-up advice and support

o   Investment advice and support

BEC works alongside, and in collaboration with, ANU Enterprise.

If you’re interested in working with us and are not sure where to start or who to contact, please refer to the Partner Engagement and Commercialisation SharePoint site.

Click through to the Office of Business Engagement and Commercialisation 2022 Activity Report.

Our teams & contacts

NameContact details
Dr Ed Bertram 
Head, Strategic Partnerships
  +61 2 6125 1328
Dr Kelly Farrell 
Head, Business Development
  +61 2 6125 3260
Hannah Gisz 
Business Development Manager, College of Science
  + 61 460 956 832, +61 2 6125 1861
Dr Shannon Das 
Business Development Manager, College of Health and Medicine
   +61 2 6125 1890
Dr Don McCallum 
Business Development Manager, College of Asia Pacific
   +61 433 496 778
Dr Riya Palchaudhuri 
Commercial Development Manager, College of Health & Medicine
   +61 405 737 335
Viraj Agnihotri 
Commercial Development Manager, College of Engineering, Computing, and Cybernetics
  +61 2 6125 2176
Ewa Ziolkowska 
Stakeholder Relationship Manager
  +61 2 6125 9397
Di Huang 
Data Administrator, Commercialisation & IP
   +61 2 6125 7210
Sugandhika Mehta 
Research Commercialisation
Zoe Bowman 
Strategic Partnerships Manager
   +61 488 553 393
Ashley Rogge 
ANU-ASD Co-Lab Partnership Manager
   +61 2 6125 5375 

Our teams & contacts

Information for staff

Our content can be found on these webpages.


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