External Sponsorships

The Student Finance Office sets up student sponsorships for external organisations, either domestic or international, who nominate to cover the cost of the student's charges: HECS, DTF, ISF, OSHC and SA Fee. The proposed sponsor will need to complete the Notification for External Sponsorship Form. An external sponsorship can be set up to cover the entire or a part of the student's domestic (DTF) and international tuition fees (ISF), higher education contribution scheme (HECS) and overseas student health cover (OSHC) premium.

The purpose of the Notification of External Sponsorship Form is to establish an agreement, whereby the student and sponsor agree to the responsibility of sponsored tuition fees. The forms will need to be submitted to sponsorships@anu.edu.au in order for the Student Finance Office team to assess and apply the sponsorships in Student Administration system.

Please note that:

  • For most sponsors, it is mandatory to fill the Notification of External Sponsorship Form, which includes providing the relevant signatures from both the sponsored student and sponsor delegate. We will not accept incomplete forms. Please note that we would also not accept e-mails/memos/letters instead of the Notification of External Sponsorship Form.
  • A sponsor might submit a formal letter along with their completed notification forms. If the details of sponsorship in the formal letter do not match the details specified in the Notification of External Sponsorship Forms (e.g. OSHC and SA Fee are indicated in the formal letter, but not the notification form), then the sponsor and/or student should be contacted to clarify the specifications of the sponsorship.The sponsor and/or student can confirm the sponsorship via email, and this would be acceptable (and included as supporting documentation with the notification forms and letters)
  • The sponsorships can only be set up in the Student Administration system for a particular teaching period, including academic year (e.g. 2015) or teaching sessions (e.g. 2520, 2530, 2450...). Sponsorships cannot be set up by a date or time range. Please nominate the sessions required in the notification of sponsorship forms.
  • The sponsorship cannot be setup for a particular course. The teaching areas can sponsor a student for the entire fees or they can nominate a maximum (capped) amount for a particular teaching session.
  • The sponsor is charged with the sponsored student's tuition fees, after the external sponsorship has been established in the Student Administration system. The sponsor will then be billed a copy of the third-party contract (TPC) invoices, which are due 30 days after billing date.
    • If a sponsor does not pay the TPC invoices for their sponsored student's tuition fees after 30 days of billing date, then a reminder will be sent to the sponsor for follow up, attached with a Statement of Accounts outstanding. A repeated reminder is sent 7 days after the initial reminder is sent.
    • If the sponsor does not follow up with payment after the two reminders, then a Negative Service Indicator would be applied to the student's account. This would effectively block the student from accessing online services, including ISIS and WATTLE.
    • If a sponsor cannot pay for an outstanding invoice (e.g. due to financial difficulties), then the external sponsorship would be removed in the Student Administration system, and the responsibility for the tuition fees transfered to the student.
  • The form should be completed and forwarded to the Student Finance Office before the census date.
  • If an external sponsorship is to be withdrawn for a student, then the sponsor and/or the student will need to contact Student Finance Office as soon as possible, so that the sponsorship can be terminated.

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