Ground transport and parking, private motor vehicle usage, SYD-CBR land-based travel, taxis and other ride-sharing options and vehicle rental

Consideration should be given to using sustainable transport options (e.g. public transport) where it is a safe and economical means of travelling locally.

Where public transport is not available, or is considered unacceptable, staff may use taxis, rideshare or a hire car.

Private car and airport transfers may be booked in locations where there are security considerations with alternative ground transport options.


Travellers may be reimbursed for parking costs associated with University business.

Airport parking costs can be charged to a University purchase card, however airport parking should only be used when the cost for parking is less than the cost of a return land-based transportation service between the place of residence and the airport.

 Private motor vehicle usage

Use of a private motor vehicle for approved University business travel is strongly discouraged. Exceptions can be requested if the distance being travelled is less that 100kms or if the car is under a novated lease arrangement with the University. The procedure for use of a private vehicle whilst on University business must be followed. 

Questions about insurance cover when using a private vehicle should be sent to the University Insurance Office.

The University will not be responsible for, nor authorise any 3rd parties travelling with the approved traveller.

The University will not pay a motor vehicle allowance for travel:

  • to and from your normal place of work; or
  • to and from your place of residence to the airport and return when travelling interstate on business. The traveller can choose to claim motor vehicle allowance between home and the airport through their personal tax if applicable.

SYD-CBR land-based travel

In cases where there are no same day connecting domestic or international flights, travellers must book land-based transport i.e. bus or train, for trips from Sydney to Canberra, for both expense and sustainability considerations. 

Flights may be used to travel from Canberra to Sydney where there is a business need to travel and attend business in Sydney on the same day. However, the cost of this flight should be reviewed against the cost of land transport from Canberra to Sydney plus the additional cost of a night’s accommodation.  

Book Murray's Bus 

Taxis and other ride-sharing options

Travellers may use the following modes of ground transport provided they take all appropriate measures to ensure their safety and assist the University in exercising its duty of care:

  • Online transportation network companies (such as Uber) in cities where they operate legally (through the use of a University purchase card).
  • Taxis (through the use of University purchase card or cab charge).

Vehicle rental

The University has commercial Agreements with various car rental companies. These Agreements include reduced excess and unlimited kilometres (noting that some remote locations may impose restrictions). In specific cases, such as no other commercial travel bookings being made as part of a trip, some domestic and/or international vehicle rental may be managed directly with the car rental company, as outlined on the travel website. 

Travellers should rent the most appropriate, cost-efficient and carbon smart vehicle that meets the travel business needs. Special purpose vehicles such as four-wheel drives, buses and utility vehicles may be rented where there is a specific operational requirement to do so and this requirement is outlined in the travel approval request. 

When using a rental vehicle for University related travel, travellers must ensure their license status satisfies any local legal requirements or conditions. 

When hiring a vehicle, travellers should accept the basic insurance excess offered by the car rental company. Do not pay additional fees to the rental company to reduce the excess when hiring a vehicle. 

Private use of a hire car must be paid separately using personal funds. This may include the payment of some running costs where the hire car is used on a day for business and private purposes, or where the hire car is used exclusively for private use on a number of days.

If travellers use a car hire for private purposes only, they must enter into a separate contract with the car rental company for the period of private use.
