The Home Stretch Program

We know that the last stage of a PhD can be hard, so ANU has developed a special series of events and activities to help you finish quicker and with less stress. We open formal enrolments for The Home Stretch in November and December of each year. We encourage people with plans to submit in the following year to apply, but anyone who has 2.5 years of elapsed candidature can join anytime by emailing

The Home Stretch year formally starts in February with a briefing from ANU Researcher Development and the Graduate Research Office on what to expect about the examination process and the lead up to completion. Please fill in the form here to attend the briefing on Tuesday 6 Feb 2024 (4pm-6pm).

As a member of the Home Stretch you will have:

  • Preferential access to  the face to face 20,000 word thesis boot camps in November and February.
  • Preferential access to our three day editing short course and journal article writing boot camps.
  • Access to group coaching, for people who are experiencing difficulties with procrastination or perfectionism.
  • Access to a writing space in the ANU Researcher Development corridor, which has a library of writing and project management books.
  • Weekly access to online 'writing in company' sessions where you can join colleagues and members of the ANU Researcher Development team.
  • Regular contact from the ANU Researcher Development team to check in on progress, let you know what is happening and answer any questions you have.

The program components can be taken together, or as segments, depending on what you need.

Look out for the call for participation in November and December of each year. For more information, or to join the Home Stretch, contact us on
