Resilient Researcher webinars with Dr Shari Walsh

The Resilient Researcher program is designed to support HDR candidates and ECRs throughout their research by building and maintaining psychological wellbeing, enhancing communication and relationship skills and developing career confidence.  It is also part of the Science, Health and Medicine Career Development Framework program and can be counted as a valid activity.



Tue 28 Feb/12:00pm

Thinking resiliently as a researcher

Thu 02 Mar/02:00pm

HDR stress survival kit

Tue 02 May/10:30am

The emotionally intelligent researcher

Tue 02 May/12:00pm

Communicating positively

Tue 11 July/10:00am

Stress Survival Kit

Mon 14 Aug/01:00pm

Boosting your confidence

Mon 25 Sep/12:00pm

Thinking resiliently as a researcher

Wed 04 Oct/01:00pm

Communicating positively

Mon 04 Dec/01:00pm

Take a break

This series is hosted by Dr Shari Walsh. Shari is an experienced psychologist and career development practitioner who utilises an holistic approach when working with clients. Shari is highly skilled in individual counselling, couples counselling, group workshops and seminars, and project work. Shari has a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and a PhD in Psychology from the Queensland University of Technology. She has worked as a psychology teacher, tutor, researcher, mentor, counsellor and career development practitioner.

These live webinars are presented via Zoom and scheduled Australian Eastern Standard Time. Current Offset: UTC/GMT +10 hours. You will be provided copies of the slides after the session. 

2023 dates will also be promoted in the monthly HDR Update.
