ANU AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month)

ANU AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month)

Need to get some writing done before the end of the year? November is academic writing month! Join the HDR community online for a festival of writing, set your writing goals and have some company along the way. 

Why do it? 

Writing always seems to take longer than we expect, and for lots of us it’s really very hard work – so we procrastinate and procrastinate… Breaking through your usual barriers and establishing the habit of writing is very motivating. AcWriMo will kickstart your writing and provide a community to help you succeed. 

How does it work?   

You decide how many words you are going to write each day, or how many hours you will devote to writing each day. Aim high, but within reach. At the end of each day enter your output for the day; at the end of each week, tally the results and brag about your total. Sign up and register your output here.

Extra writing events

 The pre-AcWriMo workshops in October will get you ready for a productive month. We schedule a series of writing events during November. 

Writing Bonanza


Mon 23 Oct 12-2pm

Tues 24 Oct 10-12

Wed 25 Oct 10-12

Thurs 26 Oct 12-2pm



Working with the literature

Managing feedback on writing

500 useful words every day

Writing with clarity & purpose



Register here

Register here

Register here

Register here


Thurs 2 Nov 10-12


Thesis by compilation – a good choice?


Register here

Writing in Company

Mon 06 Nov 2-4pm

Mon 13 Nov 2-4pm

Mon 20 Nov 2-4pm

Mon 27 Nov 2-4pm


Spend some time online with productive writers and make progress on your own writing in this "Shut up & write" space.



Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 889 6303 5948

Password: 861638


Journal article writing boot camp

Wed-Fri 8-10 Nov

Make some serious progress on getting that journal article written in November.

Register here


