Searching for information

To respond to an FOI request you will need to conduct a search of all the information you have relevant to the request. Take particular notice to dates and subject to ensure that you only include relevant information.

You will need to search:

  • local drives
  • network drives
  • databases
  • email accounts
  • paperwork 
  • files.

Information relevant to a request can include text messages, calendar entries, maps, plans, drafts etc.

What if I can't find any information?

If you have conducted extensive searches and located no information relevant to the request you will need to inform the FOI officers

Email and document all of the locations that you searched for information and your inability to locate any relevant information.

What if I find a lot of information?

If your searches illustrate that there is extensive information relevant to the request you will need to inform the FOI officers and provide an estimate of the time it will take to retrieve and forward the information. It is possible that the FOI officers may need to seek an extension of time from the applicant in order to process their request and provide the information.