HRMS upgrade

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) was upgraded in December 2014 to bring ANU onto the latest support release (version 9.2).


The primary objective of this program was to deliver an upgrade to the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) from v9.0 to v9.2 through splitting the currently combined Human Resources - Student Administration database and conducting a PeopleTools upgrade.

The HRMS Upgrade to v9.2 was required as the current ANU version, v9.0, will reach its end of life cycle and support in 2015.

The PeopleTools Upgrade, phase 1, was moved into a live environment over the weekend of 7-8 June 2014. The database split, phase 2, occurred over the weekend of 11-12 October 2014 and the Upgrade to v9.2, phase 3, occurred over the weekend of  6-7 December 2015.

Delivering improved services

The database split phase of the project decoupled the HRMS and Student Administration systems allowing each area to maintain their own program of work which includes system patches and upgrades. In doing so HR progressed onto the next phase which was an upgrade of the HRMS from v9.0 to v9.2.  Previously, this would have required a coordinated effort between the HR and Student System teams however under the new arrangements HR can progress in isolation without dependencies.

What it means for staff

Whilst the University's HRMS and Student Administration systems will reside on separate database instances, integration/ synchronisation processes are in place to ensure that key data common to each database are maintained automatically.

The most significant change for staff and students is that respective data will be maintained and accessed in separate environments, including HORUS and ISIS.

Staff or Students accessing their data via self service will be required to use the following URL. University ID and Password credentials will remain the same.

HORUS (staff)

ISIS (student)

Staff accessing the HR or Student Administrative Systems will be required to use the following URL. University Id and Password credentials will remain the same.

HR Management System

Student Administration System

It is recommended that if old URLs have been bookmarked they be deleted and replaced with those above.

Support and assistance

Support for staff

Contact the HR Systems help desk on ext. 59622 or email

Support for students

Contact the SBS help desk on ext. 55467 or email



Key dates


Phase 1 - PeopleTools upgrade (completed)


Phase 2 - HRMS and student administration database split (completed)


Phase 3 - HRMS upgrade delivered