Working to bridge the gender superannuation gap

14 Mar 2019

Did you know that if you take up to 26 weeks’ unpaid parental leave at ANU, you’ll still be paid your superannuation for that same period?

Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt recently announced the change to the University’s superannuation policy in his blog as part of celebrations in the lead up to International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March.

“We know that women typically spend more time away from the workforce and, on average, retire with 46.6% less superannuation than men,” Professor Schmidt said in his blog.

“This is something we can change - and we must change if want our campus to be a place of inclusivity and equality.”

Those who wish to speak to Human Resources further about this improvement to superannuation entitlements can contact the team on

“It's a little contribution now that compounds to make a big difference in the end,” Professor Schmidt said.


Will you be taking advantage of this new scheme? Email us at and tell us your story.