University Services Feedback Mint Campaign

06 May 2019

During April 2019, the Service Improvement Group toured the ANU Campus as part of a team activity to promote the University Services Feedback (USF). The system was launched in early 2018, and since then feedback received via this system has been used to assist in the prioritisation of continuous improvement initiatives, helping to improve services across the University. To date, over 600 items of feedback have been received, including many compliments to ANU staff, as well as ideas for improvements to ANU services. 

To thank staff who have used the system, the SIG team handed out small recyclable packets of ANU Feedback promotional mints as tokens of appreciation. The team also put up posters and left postcards to remind staff where they can go to provide feedback about services at ANU, where they will be heard and responded to in a timely manner. If you would like to have University Services Feedback promotional material in your area, please contact To contribute feedback and ideas for improvement to a University service, simply complete the University Services Feedback eForm.