Training Plan

12 Dec 2018

The ANU provides a range of training to staff and students to create a safe and respectful campus.

In response to recommendation 2 and recommendation 5 of the AHRC Change the Course report, ANU has implemented a number of training programs both online and face to face aimed at preventing and responding to sexual violence within the University. The training aims to promote long term change towards a campus free from sexism, sexual assault and sexual harassment. Much of the training focuses on addressing the underlying causes of sexual violence and changing behaviour to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment from occurring, known as primary prevention. Some of the training however focuses on secondary and tertiary prevention, particularly how we respond during and immediately after sexual violence has occurred, and our response to long term impacts.

The online modules have been developed in conjunction with Epigeum, other Australian universities, a number of international universities and other subject matter experts. The face to face training has been developed in partnership with Griffith University who have specialist expertise in bystander intervention, and the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre who have specialist expertise in the area of sexual violence. Training has also been developed in consultation with students and their representative bodies, the ANU Students' Association and the Postgraduate and Research Students Association. 

All training activities are evaluated through a variety of means with the aim of continuous improvement and meeting best practice. The Respectful Relationships Unit will consult on evaluation with students, other areas within the University and with Canberra Rape Crisis Centre as the key external specialists to ensure high quality, best practice, culturally appropriate training. The training plan will be updated as required to incorporate best practice, evaluation results and emerging issues.

For more information and questions about the Training Plan please contact Ben Gill at