Service improvements as a result of a new cleaning contract

19 Dec 2017

In early 2017, Facilities and Services Division (F&S) engaged with the community to determine what service improvements should be included in a new cleaning contract. The ‘Town hall’ talks were well attended and invaluable and practical advice was gathered.

Based on many of these findings the University released a Request for Tender (RFT) for the provision of Corporate Cleaning, Housekeeping and Hygiene Services based in January 2017. The Tender Evaluation Team determined that the supplier who has the capacity to provide the best overall value for money to the University for the Provision of Corporate Cleaning and Housekeeping Services is ISS Facility Services Ltd. The Tender from ISS represents the best response against the weighted (technical) criteria, the lowest offered price and the lowest risk profile.

The proposal offered by ISS provided initiatives that will not only deliver a higher level of service than currently being provided but at a significant cost benefit to the University.

You asked for greater value of money and cost savings, F&S have managed both by introducing additional services and reducing total cleaning costs by approximately 16%!

The additional services of both external window cleaning and carpet shampooing will be performed annually at no extra cost.

These improvements have been achieved by the implementation of two major initiatives:

  1. Removal of under desk bins - With a large percentage of the labour provided currently to the emptying of thousands of under desk bins across campus this is a significant time factor under the current contract. By replacing personal bins with centralised bins, labour can be redirected to more cleaning related tasks and therefore a higher standard of cleaning service.
  2. Daytime Cleaning - Currently cleaning takes part in most buildings between 4am – 8am. In order to comply with legislation contractors are required to pay cleaners a shift allowance. By commencing cleaning at 6am this shift allowance is avoided providing the University a considerable saving.

There will be presentations held in the Innovations Lecture Theatre in the Anthony Low Building #124 on:

  • 10.30am on Wednesday 17 January
  • 10.30am on Wednesday 24 January
  • 10.30am on Wednesday 31 January

Further information regarding the transition to day cleaning as well as centralised bins and how they will be implemented will be explained at these information sessions. This is also an opportunity to find out about other initiatives and provide feedback on the new cleaning contract.

If you have any questions, please contact