Policy Greenhouse Fund outcomes

30 Aug 2019

The Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub has awarded funding for 12 projects in the inaugural round of the ANU Policy Greenhouse Fund grants.

The projects fit within the goal of producing short to medium-term outcomes with a high public policy value.

The Hub received a total of 22 proposals in the inaugural round – of the 12 successful proposals, 7 are being led by women academics and 6 of them are being led by early career researchers.

The Policy Greenhouse Fund was launched in May 2019 to support academics to engage with the policy making community and work on policy-relevant research.

Round 2 of the Collaboration Initiatives is now open. The closing date is 13 September.

Successful projects:

9 Projects (funding up to $75,000):

3 Collaboration Initiatives (funding up to $5,000):