November Project update

03 Nov 2020

We’re delighted to announce that the refreshed ANU Identity has been approved and we have now moved into Style Guide development phase.

The refined ANU Identity includes:

  • a long-form narrative ,
  • a light touch visual refinement to improve recognition and reduce fragmentation of the ANU visual identity,
  • modifications to meet mandated Australian Government standards around accessibility,
  • inclusive design and legibility in both digital and physical environments,
  • a storytelling framework that ensures that all communications from the University are identifiably and authentically of ANU, and
  • updated photography and visual storytelling guidelines.

We have updated a number of resources to give you a better understanding of what this means and what you can expect as we move towards implementation in Q1 2021, including:

We are asking for your help in sharing this information with your community through internal newsletters, emails or word-of-mouth.

Ensuring our internal community are empowered to understand, and apply, the refined ANU Identity is crucial for successful implementation.