New enhanced Curriculum Management System (CMS) is now live

05 Nov 2018

A new streamlined and agile CMS system launched on 31 October to help academic staff design and develop innovative and creative curriculum.

The project team are excited to be launching the new system which has been collaboratively designed to:

  • Support innovation and creativity in curriculum development through the new features for curriculum mapping, skills and knowledge tables and collaboration.
  • Increase agility, transparency and responsiveness in curriculum development and design using standard templates and integration and publication to Programs and Courses.
  • Improve consistency, quality and timely information for students with the ability to publish Class Summaries (Course Outlines) on Programs and Courses.
  • Reduce staff workload by automating routine functions and a single point of data entry.
  • Build on existing IT initiatives with the use of Single-Sign On, Connecting ANU integration, cloud based platform and ERMS integration.

To ensure the enhanced system met the needs of the whole of the University, the project engaged a number of CMS Champions with representation from all Colleges, Student Business Systems, CHELT and the Academic Standards and Quality Office. Collaboration across ANU has been integral to building an understanding of the complex landscape and contributed significantly to the progress of the project.

The University also engaged a strategic partner  -  Global IT Factory – to deliver a robust, transparent and responsive solution to meet the needs identified by our project team and CMS Champions. This partnership has worked collaboratively with an international team to deliver a CMS which is unique to our specific needs.  

To ensure your team get the most out of the new system, look out for familiarisation and support sessions being scheduled across all the colleges.

The roll out of CMS will continue over the month of November for remaining functionality. For further information, please go to