Bike behaviour - being safe on campus

12 Apr 2019

Did you know that when you’re riding a bicycle on campus, you’re required to abide by the Australian road rules? Did you know when passing over a pedestrian crossing, you’re also required to slow down to 10 kilometres per hour?

There has been an increased number of serious bike-related accidents on campus since the new incident reporting tool, Figtree, was introduced in 2017.

To protect everyone using the University’s foot paths, walkways and roads, there are several tips that bike users are asked to remember:

-ride to the left side of the road;

-wear an approved, properly fitted and securely fastened helmet at all times;

-have at least one effective brake and a warning device such as a bell or horn;

-have a front light and red rear light – both visible for at least 200 metres;

-have a red rear reflector fitted for visibility (especially for riding conditions in the morning and at sunset).

When riding on shared paths and walkways, ALL users are reminded to act in a sensible and considerate manner.

**Please note that when riding through Kambri, cyclists also need to dismount from their bikes and walk through the area. This is to ensure no pedestrians are knocked over.**

For more information on bicycle safety including registering for the University Timely Tredlie service, visit