Audit of Counselling report

20 Nov 2018

ANU is committed to building and sustaining an integrated health ecosystem. The number of young people needing support has grown dramatically, and that support—if it is to be responsive to individual needs—has to be provided through a range of options. Students may seek out help on campus via, for example, ANU Counselling, Access and Inclusion, the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre, the Dean of Students, medical practitioners, students and staff with leadership roles in the halls of residence and in teaching activities. The services of locum counsellors are also provided during peak times—which coincide with exams—in May and November each year.

It is in that context that ANU welcomes the findings of the audit of counselling for students who have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment. The audit was undertaken to address Recommendation 7 of the Australian Human Rights Commission's report: Change the Course as part of the university’s commitment to addressing all 9 recommendations from the report.

An overview of the results and an ANU response is now available.

The Respectful Relationships team would like to thank the students who participated in the audit.

Download theRecommendations and ANU response [pdf]

Download theANU counselling audit response table [pdf]

More details about student support services available can be found here.