2019 ANU Staff Training and Development Calendar available now

06 Dec 2018

Are you looking to brush up on your skills with an IT-based course? Perhaps you’re interested in learning about high-impact writing in the University’s context? Or maybe you’d like to know about the signs of someone under stress and how to help them out?

The University’s 2019 Staff Training and Development Calendar is now live on the website. The calendar, which includes a diverse range of training programs and courses, is a great way for you to identify potential training and development opportunities to discuss with your manager.

The programs included within the calendar have been identified to allow you to build on and improve your performance across ANU.

“I encourage you to review the training options located in the calendar and then discuss with your supervisor what programs would suit your individual development needs,” says Director of the ANU Human Resources Division, Dr Nadine White.

“This is an important development initiative for all ANU staff and we look forward to assisting you to access quality learning and development opportunities during 2019,” says Dr White.

Further information in relation to the 2019 Training Calendar can be obtained by contacting the Staff Development Team on 56600, or by emailing hrd.development@anu.edu.au