Annual and biennial increments

System: HR e-forms

Annual and biennial Increments frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The automation of the annual and biennial increments will be tied to satisfactory performance as recorded throughout the performance and development review process. It is expected that all staff will transition to the online PDR over the next 12 months, and the functionality to check for a performance review in place will be turned on then.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What if I'm on a Temporary transfer or getting higher duties, will I still get an increment?

The payment of annual and bi-annual increments is calculated off the salary review date. This will trigger increment payments regardless if the staff member is on a temporary transfer or not. The annual/bi-annual increment will be paid on the substantive role.

2.  Will I be notified that I've received the increment?

There is no automated notification that the annual or bi-annual increment has been processed. Staff members can check their payslips through HORUS, or contact their Local HR area for confirmation.

3.  Where do exceptions go? Do they go to a report?

The HR Systems team will receive an exceptions report each pay period to notify of any increments that have not been able to be processed. Depending on the complexity of the situation, the Local HR area may be required to remediate HRMS data.

4.  What is the related policy for this process?

5. How do performance reviews tie in?

The automation of the annual and biennial increments will be tied to satisfactory performance as recorded throughout the performance and development review process. It is expected that all staff will transition to the online PDR over the next 12 months, and the functionality to check for a performance review in place will be turned on then.

6. If someone is not performing, what happens?

If a staff member has received an unsatisfactory performance rating on their PDR, they will not receive an annual or biennial increment at their due date.  

7. What happens between now and when Performance Development Review goes live? Will increments still be paid?

Yes, annual and biennial increments will be paid over the next 12 months without checking for the PDR completion date. It is expected that all staff will transition to the online PDR over the next 12 months, and the functionality to check for a performance review in place will be turned on then.

8. What if I'm on a Temporary transfer for over 12 months? Do I get an increment on both my substantive and temporary position?

The salary review date would be different for a staff member's substantive position and their temporary transfer position.  If a staff member is on temporary transfer in a position at ANUO5 or below, a salary increment would be due on the temporary transfer position annually from the effective date of their temporary transfer.

If a staff member is on temporary transfer in a position at ANUO6 or above, a salary increment would be due on the temporary transfer position biennially from the effective date of their temporary transfer. 

A salary increment for their substantive position would follow the normal procedure.  The date that is noted in the 'salary review date' field in HRMS is the salary review date for a staff members' substantive position. 

9. I'm on an ARC fellowship - will I still get an increment?

Increments will be paid on the staff members' substantive position biennially.



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