Management of absence requests
The user interface of absence management in HORUS has minor changes due to a recent system upgrade. Please explore the new features described below.
Manage Absences tile
Absence entries are to be completed through the 'Manage Absence' tile.
Recent absence requests
The "Manage Absence" page will showcase up to the latest three absence entries. You can view and cancel these that these entries from this page.
Entering an absence request
There is a minor change in the absence request process. To submit your request, begin by selecting your absence dates and the absence type. Following this, click on the 'Apply Absence' button.
Remember, you'll still need to verify your eligibility and, when necessary, upload relevant documentation (e.g. a medical certificate for sick leave with certificate). Once you've completed these steps, you can then 'submit' your absence request.
Please take note that certain buttons have been repositioned.
Notifications column - Manage Absences
Please take note that certain buttons have been repositioned.
You'll find enhanced functionality in the 'Manage Absences' section that facilitates the process of entering your absence requests:
Your absence balances from the previous pay period are now displayed. Additionally, you can open the absence balances page from here to forecast for future dates.
Holiday Calendar
A calendar featuring both public holidays and University shutdown dates is displayed.
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