60. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment

60.1. The University is committed to developing and implementing an effective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy to achieve a workforce that is reflective of the Australian population.

60.2.  In pursuing this objective, the University will:

  1. allocate responsibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues to a member of the University Executive;
  2. take all reasonable steps to increase the number of non-casual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members over the life of the Agreement, with a target of 74 full time equivalent staff members by 2021, in accordance with population parity. The University will aim to achieve a milestone of 55 full time equivalent staff members by 1 December 2019.
  3. maximise development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff; and encourage the transfer of job skills and information to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, remuneration, and job security. The University will commit to:
    1. . support the growth of ANU career pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional staff by creating an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment program with an annual allocation of $100,000 per annum for the life of the Agreement, in order to improve the employment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional staff;
    2. build a substantial Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and education community through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Postdoctoral Fellowships program, in order to attract and develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early career academics across all academic disciplines; and
    3. encourage and improve a sense of community at the University for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff by establishing an effective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff network. Network activities will be funded with an annual budget of $25,000 per annum for the life of the Agreement, and will be formally supported by the Human Resources Division;
  4. ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and culture are embedded and celebrated within the University campus to improve the cultural competency of staff, students and the wider community;
  5. have appropriate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation, where possible, on selection panels should an applicant for a position identify themselves in their application as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
  6. ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members on fixed-term contracts are aware of and seek alternative employment opportunities within the University in advance of the expiry of their current employment arrangements and provide all reasonable assistance to ensure they remain employed by the University; and
  7. consider the impact of change proposals on the job security or future employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members. Where possible take action to avoid any reduction in the numbers of non-casual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff as a consequence of change proposals.

60.3. The University, NTEU representatives and nominated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff will meet at least twice per annum to monitor and advise on the University’s progress toward achievement of initiatives outlined in clause 60.2.

60.4. The University recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members bring specific knowledge and expertise to the University which is often drawn on by the University community. The University values the knowledge and scholarship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff bring to the University and will recognise agreed additional contributions made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members to the advancement of Aboriginal knowledge and scholarship will form part of each staff member’s workload, over and above their normal workload.

60.5. The University will support all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to fulfil unique Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural responsibilities, in accordance with the personal leave provisions in clause 36.

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