Summary of obligations

Respect for law & University governance

Obligation to:

  • observe and comply with relevant laws
  • act in accordance with University policies & procedures
  • respond positively to lawful and reasonable directions
  • uphold the good name of the University

Fair treatment of people

Fair treatments related to how you conduct yourself interacting with others – includes staff, students and members of the community. You should ensure that you treat other staff and students with respect.

  • Treat other staff members and students with courtesy, fairness and equity.
  • Engage in conduct that is respectful of differences and non-discriminatory.
  • Avoid behaviour that may be reasonably perceived as harassing, intimidating, overbearing, bullying or physically  or emotionally threatening.
  • refrain from acting in a way that would unfairly harm the reputation and career prospects of other staff members.
  • Be responsive, courteous and prompt in dealing with other staff members, students and members of the community.
  • Refrain from insulting the personal beliefs of other staff members and students and respect their legitimate right to practice their beliefs; and
  • Recognise that increased obligations apply when dealing with minors, including obligations to protect minors from harassment, discrimination and abuse.

Personal and professional behaviour

Staff members are placed in a position of trust and are expected to be honest in carrying out their duties. This trust is placed at risk when the staff members fail to recognise and avoid:

  • conflicts between their private interests and University responsibilities, and
  • situations where there is a reasonable basis for the perception of such a conflict.

Staff members should discourage the receipt of any gift or benefit in connection with the performance of their duties (apart from in an official capacity). Staff members should ensure that when expressing any views outside their field of expertise, that these views are not attributed to the University.

Exercising care and diligence in employment

Staff members are expected to carry out their duties honestly, responsibly and impartially to the best of their ability.

This means that you should:

  • carry out your duties in a professional, responsible and conscientious manner
  • carry out official directions and policies in a faithful, impartial and transparent manner
  • ensure decisions can be seen to be reasonable, fair and appropriate to the circumstances
  • report genuinely suspected or known fraud or corrupt conduct
  • take reasonable steps to ensure adequate protection of all confidential information
  • maintain as appropriate the confidentiality of University dealings when interacting with outside organisations and others within the University
  • ensure that any official University information is not used, without University authorisation, in order to gain a financial or other benefit for themselves or any other person or group
  • be sensitive to the fact that if they occasionally need to use University resources you should endeavour to ensure that such use is kept to a minimum
  • maintain adequate security over University property, facilities and resources and information
  • ensure that University resources are managed effectively, efficiently and for their specified purpose
  • ensure that resources are used in a manner which does not harm the environment.


  •  Remuneration & Conditions Branch
     +61 2 6125 3346

Page Owner: Human Resources