Facilities & maps

Detailed information is provided in this section about the ANU campus in Acton, including campus maps, parking and transport facilities, venues and function areas.

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Haydon-Allen G51Information commons
Haydon-Allen G52Teaching room
Haydon-Allen G52Information commons
Haydon-Allen G53Teaching room
Haydon-Allen G53Information commons
Haydon-Allen Lecture Theatre (The Tank)Lecture theatre
Haydon-Allen Lecture Theatre (The Tank)Information commons
Haydon-Allen LJ HumeInformation commons
Haydon-Allen SahaInformation commons
HC Coombs Building Extension Lecture TheatreLecture theatre
HC Coombs Building parenting roomParenting room
HC Coombs Lecture TheatreLecture theatre
HC Coombs Lecture TheatreInformation commons
Health and Well-being CentreHealth & wellbeing
Health Services / Medical Centre / Doctor - ANU HealthHealth & wellbeing
Hedley Bull 1.03Information commons
Hedley Bull 1.09Information commons
Hedley Bull 1.28Information commons
Hedley Bull Centre 1.24Information commons
Hedley Bull Lecture TheatresLecture theatre
Heritage Early Childhood Centre (Lennox House)Childcare facility
Hotel at ANU University HouseVisitor & staff accommodation
Human Resources - Staff Health & WellbeingHealth & wellbeing
Human Resources DivisionOrganisation unit
Humanities Research CentreOrganisation unit
HW Arndt Lecture TheatreLecture theatre
Ian Ross 2.14Information commons
Ian Ross 2.21Information commons
Imaging & Cytometry FacilityOrganisation unit
InfoPlace at BaumeStudent enquiries
InfoPlace at BaumeInformation commons
InfoPlace at Chifley L2Student enquiries
InfoPlace at Chifley L2Information commons
InfoPlace at HancockStudent enquiries
Information Technology Services DivisionOrganisation unit
Innovations Lecture TheatreLecture theatre
Innovations Lecture TheatreInformation commons
Inorganic ChemistryOrganisation unit
Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage and the ArtsOrganisation unit
Intelledox Digital Transformation CentreOrganisation unit
International Operations and Student RecruitmentOrganisation unit
Investment Office Chancelry Building (F&BS)Organisation unit
Jade and The FoxFood outlet
Jaeger 8 Lecture TheatreLecture theatre
Jaeger 8 parenting roomParenting room
Jaeger 81.02Information commons
Jaeger 81.11Information commons
JB Chifley Building parenting roomParenting room
JCSMR Finkel TheatreInformation commons