Quiet, private offices are available to ANU staff and other researchers working in Northern Australia. They are equipped with internet connection, telephone, quality furnishings and managed desktop computers with IT support are optional.  Fees are based on services provided and affiliation with a University or research organisations. ANU users are eligible for a subsidised rate.

Note: ANU researchers requiring office space for less than two weeks are not required to make formal proposals.

Terms & conditions

  1. The North Australia Research Unit facilities work of the Australia National University researchers and those who wish to collaborate with them, on research topics of relevance to North Australia and the adjacent region.
  2. Office space can only be offered to researchers meeting the above criteria, applicants who do not meet that and who are conducting research are required to submit a research application for durations of more than seven days.
  3. Office space will only be offered on a full-time basis to researchers who are residents of Darwin.
  4. Office space will be offered to researchers based outside of Darwin on a casual basis while they are working at the North Australia Campus, provided this has been booked in advance, and subject to availability. NARU must be made aware of a casual user’s intention to work on campus.
  5. Casual office users must return keys when they are not based in Darwin.
  6. A fee will be charged for the replacement of lost keys and to install a new key barrel.
  7. A fee structure applies to ANU and non-ANU researchers in relation to space rental, phone, printing and other charges.
  8. NARU take no responsibility for work and personal effect left at work stations, work and personal effects will be stored at no responsibility by NARU administration unto their collection can be arranged.

Please refer to the Overview & Conditions pages for further information about relevant ANU policies and research application guidelines.

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