Future Students (Domestic)

We lead the University’s recruitment of prospective domestic undergraduate school-leavers.

Working closely with ANU colleges, and admissions and accommodation teams, we manage relationships with Australian high school career advisers, students and their parents and guardians to attract a diverse range of talented prospective undergraduates to apply to study at ANU.

Every year, the Future Student – Domestic team delivers Open Day. We’re also the people who lead the ANU campus tours.

Our team partners with excursion and career expo providers and employs students as ambassadors. Via our enquiry line, these ambassadors answer queries about our application process, student residences, scholarships and campus life during the various stages of the application journey.

We understand the challenges faced by prospective ANU students and families transitioning from high school to university, communicating program prerequisites and other admission requirements and creating timely webinars, videos and Q & A sessions.

Our teams and contacts


NameContact details

ANU Campus Tours

Domestic Student Recruitment



NameContact details
Sarah Rickett

Associate Director, Future Students (Domestic)

Sarah Parker

Senior Manager, Marketing Events, Future Students (Domestic)


Domestic recruitment

NameContact details
Christian Fobister

Future Student Coordinator

Phone +61 4 4880 9561
Liz Hayes

Future Student Program Coordinator

Phone +61 400 399 127
Clara Hill

Future Student Coordinator

Phone +61 2 6125 8050
Sally Ho

Future Student Postgraduate Coordinator

Maia Longfield

Future Student Coordinator

Phone +61 4 7743 2302
Torin Peel

Project Support Officer

Phone +61 2 6125 5332


Future students enquiry

NameContact details
Lyuxia Yang

Enquiry Team Leader

Hoa Chiem

Core Enquiry Officer

John Lavery

Core Enquiry Officer

Guadalupe Alvarez Rodriguez

Core Enquiry Officer


Our teams & contacts