First Nations Portfolio

As a branch of the University’s executive, the First Nations Portfolio works with colleagues across the University to ensure the ANU is a world leader in teaching and research of First Nations issues.  It also works to ensure that the University makes a leading contribution to national policy in the relationship between Indigenous Australians and the nation. 

The Portfolio enables the University to provide leadership on national policy discourse and decisions that impact First Nations peoples, and be an employer and educator of choice for Indigenous Australians by:

  • Providing leadership and strategic direction across the University
  • Facilitating research and policy impact
  • Supporting Indigenous community engagement
  • Supporting Indigenous students throughout their time at the University
  • Advising on Indigenous staff recruitment and wellbeing
  • Facilitating the integration of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into the curriculum

Indigenous equity and engagement is not the preserve of any one unit in the ANU but rather will be embedded as part of our normal business through the University, as we embrace the principle ‘Nothing about us without us’.

photo of Peter Yu


The First Nations Portfolio is led by the Vice-President First Nations, Professor Peter Yu – a Yawuru man from Broome in the Kimberley region in North West Australia with over 40 years experience in Indigenous development and advocacy in the Kimberley and at the state, national and international level. 


NameContact details
First Nations Portfolio
Tjabal Indigenous Higher Education Centre
Gandaywarra First Nations Innovation Hub
Policy and Research Team


Contact details
Peter Yu 

Vice-President, First Nations

Phone +61 2 6125 0092
Anne Martin 

Director, Tjabal Centre

Phone +61 2 6125 1742
Sara Rowley 

General Manager

Phone +61 2 6125 8822
Hannah Birke 

Executive Officer


Phone +61 2 6125 0838
Michelle Jasper 

Director, Gandaywarra 

Phone +61 2 6125 2811
Helen Wright

Director, Policy and Research

Phone +61 2 6125 0029


Our teams & contacts