Course & Program proposals

In order to make informed decisions regarding their degree and reach the best academic outcomes, students need access to timely, clear and accurate information. The Programs and Courses website is the official medium for this information. The schedule of updates ensures that published information about program and course content is reliable and consistent from when enrolment has opened to students for a given year, and that this information is updated in a structured and considered manner.

Management of curriculum updates is through the Curriculum Management System (CMS).

Please note the Committee and Accreditation deadline calendar


Policies and procedures

The following policies and procedures describe the standards which underpin the University's introduction, modification, and conduct of academic courses, as well as the University's assessment of student learning.

Refer to relevant ANU College for procedures and deadlines for developing proposals for the introduction, modification, and disestablishment of courses. New and amended courses should be approved by the College Education Committee before publishing to Programs and Courses through the Curriculum Management System.


Policies and procedures

The following describes the standards which underpin the University's introduction, modification, review and disestablishment of academic programs, as well as the University's requirements regarding the preparation, submission and consideration of requests to establish, modify or disestablish coursework programs, and the roles of key stakeholders and committees involved in the processing of proposals.

Review Form

Other resources

The following resources provide details of the external regulatory framework surrounding the University's academic programs and are essential resources for the introduction, modification, review and disestablishment of academic programs.

Tertiary Education Qualification and Standards Agency website
Higher Education Standards Framework

Approval Processes and Deadlines 

Refer to individual ANU Colleges for procedures and deadlines for developing expressions of interest and proposals for the introduction, amendment, review and disestablishment of academic programs and plans for consideration at the College level. Deadlines for the submission of coursework proposals for consideration at University level will be available on the Academic Quality Assurance Committee webpage The deadlines for the submission of HDR proposals for consideration at University level are two weeks prior to each meeting of Higher Degree Research Committee.

Please direct the CMS form to the Academic Standards and Quality Office after they have been considered by the relevant ANU College committee(s). Curriculum updates should not be sent directly to Academic Quality and Assurance Committee, Higher Degree Research Committee or University Research Committee.


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