Dean of Staff

From 30 June this role is no longer active

For continued support please contact the Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Consultant at

ANU has a commitment to a culture of excellence and upholds the values of being inclusive, open and respectful. ANU celebrates collegiality and is committed to better outcomes for our community. Acts of discrimination, harassment or bullying by staff or students are the antithesis of the University's values. Any member of staff who experiences or witnesses such behaviour is encouraged to seek confidential support and advice.

Please contact the Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Consultant at for support on harassment and discrimination matters including, but not limited to:

  • sexual harassment, 
  • sexual assault, 
  • bullying,
  • racism, 
  • sexism, 
  • homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, 
  • an inability to access reasonable adjustments or flexible working arrangements, and, 
  • inequity and/or an inability to access opportunities or facilities on the basis of gender identity or transgender, sex or intersex status, ethnicity, religion, language, sexual orientation, disability, and family or caring responsibilities.

The Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Consultant is a new role in the People & Culture Division, created to provide greater alignment with staff services. It will ensure effective and timely referrals to areas that are responsible for staff safety and wellbeing, including counselling services and the investigation and resolution of misconduct, serious misconduct and sexual misconduct matters. The Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Consultant is a safe place to raise workplace issues.

ANU thanks Keturah Whitford, Dean of Staff, for providing an important service to staff across campus. The purpose of the Dean of Staff role was to provide a place for staff to express concerns and receive confidential advice and information. This service is not being removed and will continue under the Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Consultant.

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Page Owner: Dean of Students