
Provider business unit: Scholarly Information Services

Mendeley is a free research management tool that contains a combination of a desktop applications and online features. It is a reference manager and academic social network that can help researchers organise their research, collaborate with other academics in their discipline online, and discover the latest research trends.

ANU staff and students have access to the Mendeley Institutional Edition reference management tool through the ANU Library. Sign up to Mendeley receive the following premium benefits:

  • 100GB of personal and shared storage
  • Unlimited groups with up to 100 collaborators

To access the ANU subscription:

1.    Sign in to your Mendeley account, or create an account if you do not have one. We recommend using your ANU email address.

2.    Join the ANU Group . Follow the link and click the “Join this Group”. If you did not use your ANU email to set up your Mendeley account, you’ll be prompted for your ANU email address, and a link will be sent there for joining the group.