Student and Supervisor Responsibilities in Research Ethics

Research students and supervisors both have responsibilities when it comes to submitting a research ethics application.


I am a research student

If you are a research student, you may be responsible for preparing the research ethics application for your own research projects. However, this must be done under the direction of your supervisorBegin your application early to ensure that your supervisor has time to read through and offer feedback about the application, and so that you have time to seek further assistance if needed.

For more information about your responsibilities as a research student, see:


I am a research supervisor

If you are a research supervisor, you are responsible for overseeing your students’ research ethics applications and providing appropriate advice and guidance. In particular, you and the student must come to an agreement about the scope, research questions, design and methods of the research. You are responsible for advising the student if ethics approval is likely to be required, what ethical considerations that may arise in the student’s research project, and how these may be addressed. You must also ensure that the student does not commence research without having the appropriate approvals in place.

For more information about your responsibilities as a research supervisor, see:

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