Defence Export Controls and Your Research

October 2020
The ANU Defence Export Controls website is currently under review. For information on what to do if your research is affected by export controls, please consult the ANU Defence Export Controls Sharepoint site (under development).


Defence Export Controls (DEC) are a collection of laws and regulations that set out what can and can’t be sent or shared overseas from Australia. These laws ensure Australia protects national interests and meets international obligations.

Whether DEC apply to your research depends on:

  1. What Goods, Technology or Software you are working with, and
  2. What you are doing with it.

It is important to note that:

  • DEC applies to Goods, Technology and Software with potential military applications (called 'dual-use') even if they are not being researched or used for this purpose.
  • "Technology" also encompasses instructions, skills and training.
  • Export activities that require a permit include many activities common in academia.

If you are exporting Goods, Technology or Software to somewhere outside Australia, and these items have or could have a military use, then DEC may apply to you. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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    Page Owner: Research Services