Project Management Framework (PMF)

The ANU Project management framework (PMF) provides a supporting foundation for project management in compliance with the ANU Project management policy.

The framework outlines the minimum requirements required for all projects in the University with the following exclusions:

  • academic research grants, contracted research and associated projects; and
  • activities where external legislation requires a different approach.

Under the Policy, 'a project is a body of work with a distinct, start and end date that involves transformation of a business function and/or delivery of one or more products according to an agreed business case. The transformation may involve an organisational change; an innovation; a pilot or proof of concept; an acquisition of a new asset, product, or service capability'.

The ANU Capital and Investment Expenditure Project Prioritisation Framework also requires certain compliance for particular projects and your local finance team should be consulted at the earliest opportunity for advice.

The ANU PMF (Project Management Framework) SharePoint site - Provides further details on the framework and project management requirements at ANU, including templates and examples, as well as guides and training materials and access to a community of practice. The site also has link to the supporting material for ERMS.

The ANU Policy Library – Refer to the Project managementDelegationsRisk managementAlterations in or about University buildings, and related policies and procedures.

The Planning and Service Performance (PSP) Division is responsible for the Project management policy and the supporting Project management framework. Please reach out to us with your questions, comments, or feedback:

Visit the Project Management Framework SharePoint for guidance and resources to help you apply the PMF to your project.