Staff amenities fund committee


In March 1967, Council decided:

  1. to establish a Staff Amenities Fund to pay to that Fund money received by the University as commissions for payroll deductions for such purposes as hospital and medical fund subscriptions and private insurance policy premiums or as rent for vending machine installations
  2. that the money accumulating in the Fund should be used for 'staff amenities and welfare'; and
  3. that expenditure from the Fund should be approved by the Finance Committee.

At its December 1980 meeting, Finance Committee agreed the Vice-Chancellor should establish a small committee with membership from Finance Committee and the Staff Amenities Fund Committee to consider terms of reference for the Fund and related issues. The recommendations of this Committee were:

  1. The existing Staff Amenities Fund should be retained and the University should continue to allocate payroll deduction commissions and vending machine rentals as income to the Fund, subject to a percentage or calculated deduction to cover the cost of services provided by the University in achieving those commissions and rentals
  2. Initially the annual deduction for services provided by the University should be $1,000; this amount should be reviewed annually to ensure that it reflects current costs
  3. the Fund may be used, subject to normal University policies and procedures
  4. to finance capital projects on and off campus
  5. to assist existing University-supported staff amenities
  6. to provide assistance for facilities which are joint University/Staff Amenities Fund ventures; and
  7. to provide for staff amenities of a general nature, for example, sporting and recreational equipment.

Committee Duties

The terms of office of members and the Secretary shall be determined by the nominating/electing body and shall be for at least one year.

The Chairman of the Committee holds a delegation to approve, on the advice of the Committee, expenditure from the Fund to a maximum of $20,000 per project, subject, in the case of an off-campus project, to the concurrence of the Vice-Chancellor. Capital projects on campus will be subject to normal University procedures. Expenditure from the Fund other than under the Chairman's delegation, shall require the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

The duties of the Committee, within normal University administrative practice, will be:

  1. to promote expenditure from the Fund
  2. to seek, receive and consider proposals for financial assistance from the Fund to establish, continue or further directly or indirectly, a staff amenity; and
  3. to recommend expenditure from the Fund.



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