Support available following court case

27 Mar 2019

One of the most wonderful things about being at ANU is being part of a welcoming and supportive community.

We have received news this afternoon that the jury in the court case relating to a terrible attack on campus in 2017 has returned a not guilty verdict on the grounds of mental impairment.

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, today and the coming days will be very difficult for many in our community.

The attack was an enormous shock for all of us and I can reassure you that those who were directly touched by the incident are receiving ongoing support.

If you, colleagues or classmates are struggling, I encourage you to make use of the support we have available.


  • Students can access free counselling via ANU Counselling Centre for students 02 6125 2242 and via the ANU Crisis Support Line (after hours) on 1300 050 327 or via the SMS service: 0488 884 170


  • Staff can access free counselling via the Staff Employee Assistance Program Assure on 1800 808 374 or Relationships Australia on 02 6122 7100.

There is no increased security risk on campus, but if you are concerned about your safety on campus, ANU Security is available to discuss any concerns. They can be contacted on 02 6125 2249 or via

If you are approached by the media to make comment, you can refer the enquiry directly to the ANU media team on 02 6125 7979 or to

For many, the likely widespread coverage of the event will bring back difficult memories. Be kind to one another, and be mindful that comments you make on social media or stories you share about the attack may cause distress to some of your classmates or colleagues.

Today, and in coming days, in the spirit of our community, we must take care of each other.