ITS striving to deliver consistent customer service

03 Dec 2018

Supporting the IT needs of thousands of staff and students across campus is a challenging feat. That is why our IT team are on a continuing quest to improve services and ensure you get what you need.

As part of this ongoing service improvement, a new customer experience survey was launched on 15 November which includes 3 quick questions and is designed to allow ITS to measure customer satisfaction levels in real time.

You may have noticed these brief survey questions if a job you have recently logged with ITS was officially ‘resolved’. The survey invites are currently being sent out to ITS Service Desk jobs raised by ANU Staff, however, the project aims to include students as well as VIPs and VAHAs in the future.

Feedback received will be used to recognise staff members and teams within ITS who do a wonderful job, and coach those who may need some support to improve their service. Feedback will also be used to roll out a consistent approach to customer service within the Division.

The changes to the customer service feedback mechanism for ITS will also mean that feedback is known to all levels of ITS and can be acted upon using a bottom-up model where every day feedback and compliments are addressed at team leader levels and monitored by ITS executive via a Net Promoter Score.

For more information about the survey, head to

Take the time to fill out the form as ITS are taking your feedback seriously.