Business engagement Q&A with CBRIN

So you have heard that you've got to seek "revenue beyond traditional grants", but what is that? (The ANU Recovery Plan, October 2020)

More than ever, ECAs are required to do research that has a "tangible impact in the day-to-day lives of Australians". But what does that mean? And how can ECAs identify and secure industry and public sector research income? NECTAR is going to address these and other questions in a series of events and workshops this year.

First in the series is a Q&A with business engagement gurus Irene Zhen and Craig Davis from the Canberra Innovation Network. Come along and have a chat with Irene and Craig about practical ways to engage with business from your research area. See if they can convince you it can be a meaningful activity, and less scary than you think. Can this be an avenue for you? Share experiences with other ECAs from across all disciplines.

This event will be delivered via Zoom.

Date and Times

Thu 11 Mar 2021, 11:30 am - Thu 11 Mar 2021, 12:30 pm


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