Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education: Guidelines
- Nominations for the ANU Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education are open to all academic and professional staff, recognising and rewarding the diverse contributions staff make to the quality of learning, teaching and the student experience in ANU.
- See the individual award webpages for specific eligibility requirements.
Who can be nominated
- College Awards recipients will be nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education.
- Nominees for the College Awards are eligible to be nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education, and may be nominated as appropriate as directed by the College Awards Committee.
- Division Directors may nominate staff and programs as appropriate in consultation with senior staff in their Division.
- Other areas of ANU may nominate staff and programs as appropriate in consultation with senior staff in their area.
- Unsuccessful nominees for Teaching, Program and Supervision awards may reapply for the same award or a Citation within three years of the original date of nomination.
Making a nomination
- Award nominations may only be made by the College Associate Deans (Education) or a delegate, the Division Directors and other ANU areas.
- The Promoting Excellence team will invite delegated representatives to make nominations for their Colleges, Divisions or other ANU areas via a supplied link to a webform.
- Individuals may not self-nominate or make nominations.
- The number of nominations made by each College, Division or other area in ANU is not limited.
Alignment between the Vice-Chancellor's Awards and College Awards
- All College Education Awards should, as far as possible, align with the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education.
- Application documentation for the College Awards and Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education should generally be aligned.
- Each College should develop evidence-based criteria, processes and guidelines consistent with the University, and national awards, process.
- Colleges would not, however, need to provide the level of detail required for the national awards evaluations and would not be expected to follow national award procedures for their internal College assessments.
- The Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education are formally presented at the end of each year.
Related links
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Programs that Enhance Learning
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Supervision
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Indigenous Education
- Vice-Chancellor's Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Tutoring or Demonstrating
- Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT)
- Send email
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