
Business owner: Office of Research and Innovation Services

ANU has a subscription to SciVal, a tool for citation-based research evaluation using Elsevier’s Scopus database. SciVal supports the analysis and evaluation of research publications, and enables benchmarking of performance against global peers across a range of metrics. SciVal also allows a detailed view of topic areas and associations between people and organisations that can help identify potential collaborators.


How to access SciVal

SciVal is accessible to ANU staff members and students on campus through IP authentication.

Using any ANU machine and your ANU credentials,
> go to
> click 'Sign In'
> click the 'Sign in via your institution, organization or Athens’ link
> Follow the instruction to create a SciVal account and sign in


Conditions of use

Each Authorized User may:

▪ access, search, browse and view SciVal;

▪ print, make electronic copies of and store information from SciVal for their individual use;

▪ display or provide print or electronic copies of and post or transmit links to individual items from SciVal for the University’s internal purposes; and

▪ provide print or electronic copies of individual items from SciVal for purposes of grant applications, conference proceedings, research papers, and scholarly publications and presentations by or for the benefit of the University, provided that each copy will carry appropriate acknowledgement in the following format: SciVal database, Elsevier B.V., (downloaded on [date]).


Users should not

▪ abridge, modify, translate or create any derivative work based on SciVal, except to the extent necessary to make them perceptible on a computer screen to Authorized Users;

▪ remove, obscure or modify in any way any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers as they appear in SciVal;

▪ use any robots, spiders, crawlers or other automated downloading programs, algorithms or devices to continuously and automatically search, scrape, extract, deep link, index or disrupt the working of SciVal;

▪ substantially or systematically reproduce, retain, store locally, redistribute or disseminate online SciVal; or

▪ post individual items from the SciVal on social networking sites.

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