
Business owner: Centre for Learning & Teaching

Padlet is an online canvas designed to collaboratively share and organise small posts. Padlets can be beautiful spaces used to collect, organise, and present anything, easily shared for collaboration, open to all or made private to a given group participants. They are often used in courses, encouraging synchronous or asynchronous interaction in whole class discussions. ANU has an Enterprise (Backpack) license for use in Learning and Teaching.

Creating your Padlet Account

All ANU students and staff can create their Padlet account as follows:

Using this license we can create an unlimited number of Padlets, and invite others to participate in these Padlets.  While this is labelled as a "Student" account, for most people, even teaching staff, this role provides everything needed.

Creating a Teacher Account

A Teacher account has additional privileges including: add users, reply to anonymous comments, delete items, and set Padlets to view only.  Teacher accounts are available for Teaching and Learning staff at ANU.  If you need a Teacher account, create your Padlet account as above, then send a request for it to be upgraded to the Teacher role by submitting a ServiceDesk request. To check if you have the Teacher role: login to, click the "..." menu, lower left, Teachers will see Manage people as one of the menu items.

Note: if you leave ANU, or do not use your Padlet account for over 18 months it will be disabled. To maintain your padlets you will need to migrate them to another Padlet account.  

Support for Padlet and FAQs

Support contact