
Business owner: Graduate Research Office

iThenticate is a text-matching software tool designed specifically for researchers.

iThenticate compares documents to an extensive database of web pages and scholarly content to produce a similarity score and report. This report allows HDR candidates to progressively review their work by checking for originality and ensuring that they have cited non-original work appropriately. However, it should be noted that iThenticate cannot detect plagiarism by itself - HDR candidates should work collaboratively with their supervisor to discuss the content of their similarity report by sharing it with their supervisor.

HDR candidates are required to submit a similarity report with their final thesis, as part of the eForms process. To learn more about how iThenticate should be used in research see the quick links on the right of this screen.

The current ANU license for iThenticate facilitates access to the tool for all current HDR candidates from commencement. For any issues please refer to the web resources and if the issue still persists please log a job with the ITS help desk. The ITS help desk will triage issues to the appropriate business area for further assistance.