Visiting and Honorary Appointments (VaHA's)
System: HR e-forms
VaHA (nee POI's) e-form
Accessing VaHA eforms
- Appointees need to login to eforms via the external login url.
- To reset your password for a temporary login*, please go to the Forgot password reset webpage
* each VaHA nomination request creates a temporary login to allow the appointee to access the online form.
If you have a University ID please reset your password at ANU Identity Self Service.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
General questions
How long does it take to complete the VaHa eform?
The length it takes to complete a VaHA eform depends greatly on;
- the apointment type
- information required throughout the process
- level of approval
- location of the appointee.
There are predominatly 5 steps in the process (refer to question: 'what is the form workflow') and ample time should be given for each stage, taking into account the variables above in order to ensure the form is completed in a timely manner. This is particulary important if the onboarding documentation is required for Visa purposes, as well as for appointment extensions.
When should I commence a VaHa extension?
You should commence a VaHA extension as soon as you become aware of its extension. You will need to ensure that the form is completed, including the appointees acceptance, prior to the end date of the current appointment. Failure to complete the process prior to the end date of the current appointment will cause the form to error and have the following effects:
- The new appointment details will not update in the HR Management System
- insight reporting will not capture the new appointment details
- onboarding letters will not generate
- the appointee may lose IT access (email, systems) 21 days after their current appointment end date, and
- a new VAHA appointment eform will need to be completed.
Note: If you foresee not being able to complete the eform process prior to the current apointment end date, please commence a new VAHA appointment form, rather than an extension.
I want to extend my VAHA, but the current appointment is ending this week- what should I do?
If you foresee not being able to complete the eform process prior to the current apointment end date, you will need to commence a new VAHA appointment form, rather than an extension.
Failure to complete the process prior to the end date of the current appointment will cause the form to error and have the following effects:
- The new appointment details will not update in the HR Management System
- insight reporting will not capture the new appointment details
- onboarding letters will not generate
- the appointee may lose IT access (email, systems) 21 days after their current appointment end date, and
- a new VAHA appointment eform will need to be completed.
What are VaHA expiry notification emails and why did I recieve one?
My Appointee can't login to University Systems
If the Appointee holds baseline privileges in the form of access to email, library borrowing privileges or to University enterprise software, advise them to call central IT support on extension 54321 (prompt 1, prompt 2) to obtain a password reset. Ensure they have their University ID handy.
Who can be a nominator in the VaHA’s e-form?
The nominator should at least hold full-time or part-time employment with the University. Casual employees or visitors cannot be selected as a nominator
How can I see where my VaHA's e-form is at?
The Planning and Performance Measurement (PPM) Division has developed a suite of reports that are now available via the ANU Insight portal. Secure access to these reports has been automated based on roles, departmental security and delegations assigned to individuals within the HRMS. The following three reports based on VaHA e-form data will be made available:
- Visiting and Honorary Appointment e-form list: This report provides a list of all visiting academic /honorary appointment applications submitted using the VaHA e-form.
- Visiting and Honorary Appointment e-form list - upcoming end of appointment: This report provides a list of all visiting academic /honorary appointment applications submitted using the VaHA e-form whose appointment is approaching the proposed end date within a week, month or more of the report run date.
- Visiting and Honorary Appointment e-form detail: This report can be used to review all information provided at the time of submitting a visiting academic /honorary appointment application using the VaHA e-form.
Data within each of the above reports will be refreshed on a daily basis.
Please note, if changes have been made to an apointmnent outside of the eform system, these will not be reflected in Insight, ie, date changes.
I made a mistake, can I start another form?
Restarting the VaHA process will create multiple username and account combinations for the VaHA (nee POI) and they will not know which username and password combination relates to the correct VaHA process.
If in doubt, please contact HR Systems
My VaHA cant login to eforms, what do I do?
1. Determine whether you or the person intiating the form has commenced multiple VaHa (nee POI) applications for the individual, ie, started one process and then commenced another one due to an error with the first. If so, the system would have created multiple username and password combinations for the VaHA and they may be using an incorrect username and password combination to login to e-forms.
2. If there are multiple processes, contact HR Systems at and advise them of which process should be maintained, and which proceses are redundant. HR Systems will be able to terminate the redundant processes and inform the VaHa how to login to e-forms.
3. If there is only one process pending and it has been over 5 days since the VaHA has recieving their notification, they will need to contact HR Systems on 6125 9622 and request a password reset in order to login to e-forms.
For security purposes, passwords expire after five days.
Can I complete the form on behalf of my supervisor?
The Persons of Interest/Honorary Appointments form can be completed by administrators in local areas- it does not have to be raised by the supervisor in the first instance,
Users are reminded that all staff are required to adhere to the University's Acceptable Use of Information Infrastructure policy, and Code of Conduct when accessing the Intelledox e-form software using their UID and password details.
Will I need to print or store a copy of the application?
After the delegate decision has been reached for each application, a copy of the finalised application will be automatically sent to the supervisor and staff member (if approved)
There is no requirement to print these finalised documents for storage on personnel files.
Are there any limitations on browsers or locations? Can I access the form on my phone?
The e-forms portal is mobile friendly and can be accessed from most common web browsing platforms such as:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
How can I tell where the form is up to?
If you are the user that initiated the form you will be able to view the forms current status within the e-forms portal. Users are advised to:
- Login to e-forms
- Click on 'Form Activity' at the top of the screen
Users will be able to see:
- The form state
- Who it is assigned to
- Who it was assigned by
- When it was last updated
What is the form workflow
Form stage | Form Owner | Editable? |
Nomination | Administrator/supervisor | Yes |
VaHA detail entry | VaHA nominee | Yes |
Nominator review | Appointed Nominator (determined in first form stage) | Yes |
Delegate approval | Delegate | Yes
VaHA Acceptance | VaHA | No |
How do I fix errors in the form?
If the form has been submitted to the VaHA:
If the form has been submitted to the Delegate but has not been approved:
In any other instance, the person raising the form wishes to recall the form to allow them to edit it, they can do so by using the 'Recall an active form' function within the e-Forms portal. This will re-route the form back to the creator at the initial stage.
Do delegations work the same as the travel form?
What delegation is used to approve this request?
Process | Description | Delegation # | Delegation Profile |
Honorary Appointments | Approve or extend full, clinical and adjunct academic status
Honorary Appointments | Cluster 1- Levels A-D
| 139 Cluster 1
| D3 |
Honorary Appointments | Cluster 2- Level E
College Dean endorses, Vice Chancellor approves level E or E3. | 139 Cluster 2 | COLLDEAN |
Honorary (Clinical) Appointments | Clinical Levels B-E
College Dean endorses, Vice Chancellor approves Clinical level E or E3.
| 139 Cluster 2 | COLLDEAN |
VaHA appointments | Approve nominations for:
Delegations have been aligned to the new Academic Title policy and will require approval equivalent to a D3
| n.a | n.a |
Will delegations work correctly when someone is away?
There's a lot of people in the delegation list. Why?
If an application is for a Level E Conferred Title, or Emeritus title, will it be automatically directed to the Vice-Chancellor?
Policy/form processing
What is the related policy for this form?
The following policies are applicable:
Persons of Interest / Honorary Appointment
Will the VaHA know their UID?
The new form asked if a UID is known, the use of the UID is mandatory for an extension to be processed. If the VaHA does not know their UID, the Local HR area will be able to assist.
Alternatively, if you are requesting a new appointment (not extending an existing appointment) the nominator of the form will be able to check if the VaHA has a UID within the form.
Is the letter customised?
Yes, the information entered into the form will be used to populate the sponsorship letter. The letter will be tailored to the application and contain relevant information in relation to visa requirements if applicable.
The letter will be generated after the Delegate approves the letter, and the nominator/supervisor and any administrative parties identified will receive a copy of the form, however will not receive a copy of the sponsorship letter.
How does the VaHA log in to the form?
The e-form will generate a temporary login and password for VaHA's to enable them to access the eForm portal. These details will be sent to the POI using the email address nominated in the form. Please note: The password has a five day expiry limit.
How should IP arrangements be detailed?
Given the variance in IP arrangements across the University, specific IP details have not been included within this form. If you area requires specific IP clauses, users are encouraged to handle this arrangement outside of the form using existing procedures within their School/College.
How much will HR be involved in the process?
Local HR Areas will be required to provide policy and process advice to the areas that they support. Local HR will no longer need to check applications, or complete the letter of invitation or sponsorship letter.
Can students be VaHA?
No, the form will not allow the selection of a student record when applying for a VaHA title.
Can students nominate a VaHA?
No, currently students do not have access to the Intelledox e-forms software.
Can I hire staff through the form?
No. Casual, part time, full time and fixed term appointments should be recruited through ANU Recruit and entered into the HR Management System as employees.
If you have hired a contractor and they need access to ANU facilities and systems, the VaHA form should be used to establish them in the system.
How is contractor payment organised?
Users are advised to contact their Local Finance area for instruction on arranging and authorising payments. The Finance and Business Services website provides additional information in relation to payments.
I heard that IT access only lasts for two years, is this correct?
Access audits are performed by ITS every two years. At this point, as an administrator, you may asked to confirm that the appointee still requires access to ANU facilities and systems. This check is not related to VaHA appointment duration.
VaHA's will receive a notification 21 days prior to their appointment ending to advise them that their account will be disabled.
If you have the VaHA's details, can you fill them in yourself?
As an administrator commencing the form, you will be able to fill in some of the nominees details. This includes:
- First name
- Last name
- Title
- Email address
- Phone number
The VaHA will be asked to provide the rest of their personal and education details.
What if you don't list an Admin person? Will a VaHA just turn up at the reception desk with a letter?
If an administration person in not included in the VaHA application, local areas will be able to check on applications that are underway using the VaHA reporting that will be made available shortly through ANU Insight.
Normally, we attach the application form and letter to finances as approval. How do we do that?
The person who raises the form will be able to nominate a person from the Local Finance area, or even the local finance group inbox to notify them that an application is in progress. If expense payments are indicated on the form, the addition of a Finance administration email address for notification is mandatory.
Once the finance email details are included in the form, they will receive a copy of the output document (once approved) that will contain the relevant information pertaining to the nominee and their appointment.
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