Professional Staff Development Endowment Fund (PSDEF)

2024 Round Dates

Round 1Monday 19 FebruaryFriday 22 March 5:00pm
Round 2Monday 1 JulyFriday 9 August 5:00pm

Staff Grants Information Sessions

This year the People and Culture Division are running a series of information sessions about staff grants and funding offered by the University i.e. PSSS/PSDEFCCDAFIPSGP and the Staff and Family Tuition Fee Discount. These sessions aim to assist you in your application process and provide the opportunity for you to ask us questions. 

In Person

Thursday 8 February,

10:30am - 11:30am

Marie Reay Teaching Centre,

Room 2.02


Thursday 8 February,

2:00pm - 3:00pm

In Person

Wednesday 3 July, 

10:30am - 11:30am

Marie Reay Teaching Centre,

Room 4.03


Wednesday 3 July,

2:00pm - 3:00pm


The Professional Staff Development Endowment Fund seeks to assist the development of professional staff of the University to enable them to contribute to the University beyond the expectations of their current role. It is used to support short courses, conferences and comparable professional development initiatives.

Grants of up to $2,500 are available for the cost of registrations and/or course materials. Local areas are expected to contribute at least 50 per cent towards the total cost of the proposed development initiative.


1. The Professional Staff Development Endowment Fund is open to all professional staff (excluding casuals) who have been continuously employed at the University for at least one year (excluding casual appointments), provided that:

  1. Professional staff on a fixed term appointment, provided they are employed for a minimum of a two year contract, and have at least 12 months remaining on their contract; or
  2. Professional staff on a continuing (contingent funded) appointment, provided that the position is funded for a minimum of two years, and there is at least 12 months of that funding remaining. Applications may still be considered for cases where the staff member’s position has less than 12 months funding remaining, provided that the College delegate endorses that an extension is expected which will extend the position funding to at least 12 months.
  3. Professional staff are not on an extended period of Leave Without Pay

2. The staff member’s Performance Development Review (PDR) or local area performance review identifies that the:

  1. eligible staff member’s performance is at least satisfactory or better (in the most recent completed PDR or as indicated by the supervisor on the PSDEF Application form); and
  2. program is directly relevant to the staff member’s current Performance Development Review (PDR) and is recorded in the Career Development Plan section of their PDR or is identified to be relevant in the staff member’s local area performance review.

3. Local areas are expected to contribute at least 50 per cent towards the cost of the proposed development.

Submitting an application

Staff submitting an application must submit the following documents:

1. Current application form.

2. One completed Performance Development Review with a performance rating of satisfactory or better; or local area performance review with a performance rating indicated on the PSDEF Application Form.

3. The applicant's current (open) Performance Development Review or local area performance review with the development initiative explicitly mentioned as part of the Career Development Plan.

4. Documentation on the development initiative demonstrating course outcomes and proof of costs from the provider.

The application must be submitted during an open scholarship round by the published deadline. Previous scholarship round closing date was 1 September 2023. 

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