Executive Coaching

Executive coaching assists senior leaders in understanding their roles and the issues they face. Executive coaching is conducted one to one for a set period of time with work-related objectives that are developed by the senior leader with input from their direct supervisor. The structure and approach is personalised and tailored to the needs of the senior leader with an intent to improve overall performance. Executive coaches are trained to listen and observe, to customise their approach to the individual client's needs, and to empower the client to develop solutions and strategies.

Executive coaching can benefit areas such as:

  • Strategic thinking and decision-making
  • Leadership effectiveness and professional performance
  • Gaining a fresh perspective on challenges and opportunities
  • Relationship and communication skills, including giving feedback and coaching of staff
  • Learning to manage conflict
  • Self-confidence and assertiveness

For more information about Executive Coaching please email hrd.development@anu.edu.au.


  • Talent & Capability - Supporting Development
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